November 2, 2011

Do something, anything

“Do something, anything”.  It’s one of my favorite sayings because it applies to so many opportunities we have to improve our lives or the lives of people around us…….Literacy: Read something, anything;  Volunteerism: Do something, anything OR Help someone, anyone;  Charity: Give something, anything… get the point, right?

When it comes to helping ourselves get on track to improve activity and fitness levels, it is a short and sweet mantra.  It really doesn’t matter what you do – do SOMETHING.  It’s important that you do it for yourself, do it for your health, and do it for your family.  Make the commitment to DO SOMETHING, DO ANYTHING.  Importantly, make the commitment to do it routinely.
Walk 15 minutes three times a week
Every time you are driving somewhere, park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk (briskly) to the building rather than driving around for 5 minutes looking for the closest parking spot in the front row.
Take the stairs whenever you can instead of the escalator/elevator.
Sign up to take a fitness class.
Commit to taking a walk every day with the dog, kids, husband, neighbor, co-worker, etc.
Walking the (active) Talk:  I just ran the Marine Corps 10K in Washington, DC with my brother and sister in law.  We registered for the race back in August… forward to the end of October… got in the way of any training they might have normally been able to do and the weather was quite frigid but they still did the race with me…..probably cursed me out every time they felt the post-race muscle soreness and fatigue, but I’m really proud of them. The event was great - it was very humbling for me to be racing along a route lined by active service men and women, alongside veterans (some of whom lost limbs for us), and among family members of fallen soldiers running in their memory.  It was a privilege and an honor to be a part of the day.

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